Thursday, February 6, 2020

Delicious and Healthy Mixed Rice (Recipe)

One of the basic staples in my kitchen is rice. White rice is delicious, but devoid of most nutrients and fiber. Brown and wild rice might have a bit of a hard texture and takes a while to cook, and a whole bowl of barley or quinoa just doesn't go down that easy for me.

In an effort to add more nutrients into my diet, I have discovered a great way of mixing all of these grains together to cook in the time it takes to cook white rice; just 15 minutes. All you need is a little planning and you can have a tasty and healthy mixed rice/grain for a side or base of any meal.

Here's what you'll need:
1 cup of white rice (I prefer Jasmine)
1/4 cup of brown rice
1/4 cup of wild rice
1/4 cup of whole barley
1/4 cup of quinoa
1 cup water plus
2 1/3 cups water

Here's what you'll do:
- In a two-cup capacity measuring cup (or any other container that holds at least 1 1/2 cups), add the brown rice, wild rice, barley and quinoa.
- Add water until covered by about one inch (about 1 cup) and give it a stir with a spoon.
- Set this aside on the counter for 30 to 45 minutes while you prepare the rest of your meal.
- Then drain in a strainer and add this to your rice cooking pot or rice cooker with the white rice and 2 1/3 cup water.
- Cook as instructed if using a rice cooker, or if using a pot, bring just to a boil, give it a stir and cover to simmer on the lowest heat for 15 minutes.
- Once the 15 minutes is up, uncover to fluff with a fork, re-cover and let sit for another 10 minutes.
- You now have perfectly cooked mixed rice. It may also be a little purple from the wild rice, so that just adds a bit more color to your plate.
- Enjoy!

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