Monday, April 20, 2020

Burnt Cheese Taco (Recipe)

I have to admit, some of my most courageous experimentations in the kitchen have been fueled by a tipple or two. My partner likes to call this "drunk cooking" and finds it rather entertaining, all whilst he has a fire extinguisher at the ready (safety first!). At this point in my cooking repertoire, I would say that most of those prototypes have been quite delicious, even if I'm never able to recreate them.

Below is a simple guilty pleasure that only requires fridge basics, and is easy to create and recreate. I would, however, recommend sobriety the first time this is attempted.

Here's what you'll need:
3-4 ounces of a firm cheese of any type (cheddar, edam, swiss or Gruyere will all work)
1 egg (I prefer medium sized but any size will do)
Pinch of salt and pepper

Optional garnishes:
Pickled onions (any type of pickle will work)
Fresh herbs: cilantro, green onion, basil, tarragon (anything you like)
Dry herbs or spices
More cheese

Here's what you'll do:
- Take your egg out of the fridge and place on a plate or your counter where it won't roll away, grate your cheese and set these aside.
- Have a plate lined with a double layer of paper towel at the ready.
- Set a 6-inch skillet over medium heat with nothing in it. I prefer cast iron, but stick-resistant or stainless steel will work. If you are wary of possible sticking, feel free to use some non-stick cooking spray.
- Once the pan is sufficiently heated, add your grated cheese to the center of your pan and spread out as much or as little as you like. It will all ooze out on its own once it starts melting.
- Now wait. Do not touch the cheese or move it around.
- Once it becomes golden brown around the edges (about 2-3 minutes), turn the heat down to medium-low and crack your egg right in the middle on top of your cheese. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt and pepper, place a lid on the pan, and set your timer for 2 minutes. It's okay if you do not have a tight fitting lid. A loose cover is fine.
- Remove the lid after two minutes. If you like your egg more cooked, place the lid back over the pan  for another 1-2 minutes.
- Once your egg is cooked as you like, with the help of a butter knife or small spatula, lift the edge of the cheese, which should be fairly brown on the bottom at this point, slide a larger spatula underneath and remove the cheese with the egg and place onto the plate with the paper towel to drain the fat.
- As the cheese cools, it will firm up a bit. Feel free to lift the edges of the paper towel to help train the shape of your cheese, if you would like it more taco shaped.
- Once sufficiently cooled and drained, top with any optional garnish mentioned or not mentioned above. This is a very versatile vessel for anything or nothing.
- Enjoy!

This option is topped with pickled yellow onion, chili flakes and cilantro.

This option is topped with braised chicken in a Latin red chili sauce, pickled red onion, lime yogurt, corn and fresh cilantro.

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